Sentence Checker Free online spell and grammar checker based on LanguageTool an open source proofreading software Our site offers a large number of languages, as well as differentThe first rule is that a semicolon should only be used to separate two complete sentences A complete sentence must have a subject (the person orFrom there, you can see which of the two phrases is used more often According to Google, "Compared To" is mentioned 52,100 times on The New York Times website, while "As

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As well as in a sentence comparison
As well as in a sentence comparison-Here, "as well as" is used to link two situations They exist at the same time, but "as well as" doesn't necessarily add anything to the writing If you want to make it a bit more concise andUsage of comparison in real sentences First example Look at a comparison of the game with ray tracing on vs off comparison Join over 10,000 subscribers of our newsletter to receive

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Examples of 'As Well As' in a Sentence See the definition of as well as He would want this for their own sake as well as for his He was playing, remember, for a large fortune, as well as liberty YouHence, the subject position as well as extra posed subject will take the main part of the research focusing mainly on the linguistic syntactic structure A comparison will be given with theToo and as well are used at the end of a sentence (As well is more formal than too) Also usually goes before the verb or adjective 1 Can you start a sentence with a preposition?
Sometimes, it can be used to make a simple comparison You should never use a comma when you're using as well as to compare two things For example, consider the sentence,Score 46/5 (66 votes) Well is an introductory word that a comma should separate from the rest of the sentence In sentence A, there is no comma after wellIn sentence B, the first comma isToo and as well are used at the end of a sentence (As well is more formal than too) Also usually goes before the verb or adjective He likes chocolate I also like chocolate I like chocolate also I
The products are aimed at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, as well as university and public research labs I could make thread shanks with buttonhole stitch as well as complete a The difference is that sentence A uses ,well, as a style element which breaks the sentence apart to attract more attention To complete and make the say "well" and then add The sentence structure goes like this subject BE verb as adjective asfollowed by a noun or noun phrase In the example sentence, the subject is "Benji" The verb

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What Is a Complete Sentence?They were assigned randomly to word, sentence, or phonemebased training and underwent 9 training sessions ( min each) on separate days over a 2 to 3week period The effectiveness When "as well as" is used as a preposition Comparative prepositions help in parallelizing the weight of ideas within sentences, which can also be done with "as well as" As

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When you use the connector "as well as" before the verb in a sentence, you should conjugate the verb according to the subject If you have a singular noun as the subject of theAs well (as) meaning 'in addition' As well is an adverb which means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition' We usually use as well at the end of a clause We look forward very much to seeing you again and toQuizzes for comparison with asas Resource index for comparison with asas Form first item verb as adjective as second item It isn't (It's not) as big as the old one It's as good as you

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Using As Well As in a Sentence When "as well as" is being used as a conjunction (connecting words, clauses or phrases within a sentence), a comma does not precede theThe summary of results might as well have been in a foreign language with the medical terminology, abbreviations and sprinkling of what seemed like random numbers 0 He opened the door to the

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